Why is Lip Balm Important?

Your lips don't contain oil glands, which mean they don't produce natural oils like the rest of your skin does. This causes your lips to dehydrate and chap quicker than the rest of your skin. Licking your lips will allow temporary relief, but once your saliva dries, it takes the small amount of natural moisture away, leaving your lips even drier than originally.  Lip balm is supposed to do what sebum, the natural oil in your skin, does for the rest of your skin: Keep moisture in and protect lips from drying environmental conditions. Some medications can cause dehydrated lips, so lip balms can help stop that side effect. Lip balm can even be considered a survival necessity. When dealing with very cold temperatures you can use Chap Stick on your face to help conserve and sustain body heat. Lip balm can also help fuel a fire.